On 25 January 2024, Jordi Gálvez, project coordinator of the TWINGHY project, was one of the speakers at the European Clean Steel Event organized by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel in Venice (Italy). The event was attended by high-level representatives from the European Commission (DG Research and Innovation, REA, HADEA, EUROFER and ESTEP) and various stakeholders from the steel sector were present at the event.
Under the title “Stand up together for a future low emission industry. Hydrogen a powerful ally”, the event showcased the RFCS activities, impact, and future potential, highlighting the past and future efforts to decarbonise and improve the environmental footprint of steelmaking. The outcome of the event is expected to benefit both the EU population and the industry through raising awareness and engagement and by attracting future RFCS applicants.
4 projects were presented:
– DevH2forEAF, Developing and enabling H2 burner utilization to produce liquid steel in EAF (RFCS 2020)
o Eros FARACI, Rina Consulting
– H2transBF2030, Minimisation of CO2 Emissions from the BF by hydrogen containing injectants and use of DRI/HBI during transition to new Ironmaking processes until 2030 (RFCS 2020)
o Hauke BARTUSCH, VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut BFI
– HYDREAMS, Clean Hydrogen and Digital tools for REheating And heat treatMent for Steel (RFCS CSP 2022)
o Sieye LAURENT, Ugitech
– TWINGHY, Digital TWINs for Green HYdrogen transition in steel industry (RFCS CSP 2022)
o Jordi GÁLVEZ, CELSA Group
The Twinghy presentation was entitled “The magic that we are looking for is in the things we are not doing”. After a presentation regarding how alternative fuels (specially green hydrogen) are essential to reach climate targets, Jordi Gálvez presented the objectives of the project, its structure, partners and expected results. The main challenges facing the project were also discussed, such as the initial investments required, the lack of technical knowledge because it hydrogen is something new, but also the high price of hydrogen compared to natural gas and above all, the fact that it is not possible to use hydrogen without a hydrogen grid.
In the words of the speaker: “Sometimes we have to face challenges but we decide to set aside, and it is actually in those moments of confrontation with the unknown that we discover the true essence of innovation and progress”.